FinSpy spyware analysis
We have collaborated with Amnesty International for whom we have analyzed a new variant of the FinSpy spyware.
Executive summary
By analyzing the sample we found what we suspect to be a new version of the FinFisher’s malware FinSpy for Android.
Even though the malware behavior and capabilities seem to be the same as what it has already been described in the past, this version goes a step further to hide the malware configuration and its capabilities.
This new version we named DexDen has very likely been released between May 2017 and October 2019.
Command and control server associated to the malware configuration is still alive by the time we wrote this report.
In terms of capabilities, the sample we have analyzed is meant to exfiltrate SIM card information, SMS log, call log, calendar events, address book, messages and files from 12 popular messenger applications and to track victim’s location.
This report provides details on how strings are obfuscated, how the communication protocol has evolved and how the extraction of three technical aspects of the malware can give insights on the malware code-base evolution.
This report focuses on the analysis of the sample described below.
Sample file
Filename | WIFI.apk |
Size | 2.87MB |
MD5 | 79ba96848428337e685e10b06ccc1c89 |
SHA-1 | 51b31827c1d961ced142a3c5f3efa2b389f9c5ad |
SHA-256 | 854774a198db490a1ae9f06d5da5fe6a1f683bf3d7186e56776516f982d41ad3 |
Application name | wifi |
Package | org.xmlpush.v3 |
Main activity | org.xmlpush.v3.StartVersion |
Sample certificate
Subject | CN='MITAS Ltd.' |
Signature Alg. | rsassa_pkcs1v15 |
Validity | 2017-05-27 - 2023-05-26 |
Issuer | CN='MITAS Ltd.' |
Hash Alg. | sha256 |
MD5 | b99ac605872a55e609854176413e603c |
SHA-1 | 7c6e4f2e84ebaa8d25040f63d840e14f6f822125 |
SHA-256 | 8052584eacfd199602b348ef60e20c246ec929d62bc5b85fd0e60ba3205b05a2 |
For this analysis we use the following tools:
- Aether to analyze CFG
- Javalang to parse the Java code
- Smalisca to analyze the Smali code
- Yara to detect FinSpy variants
- FinSpy tools to parse the FinSpy configuration
We share the following assets on our GitHub repository:
to extract obfuscated from Java
to decode obfuscated stringstable.ods
containing TLV types and decoded stringsFinSpy.yar
Yara rules detecting FinSpy variants
Tiny tools
Yara rules
Script to plot CFG
A suspected new FinSpy version
FinSpy capabilities and technical aspects are widely documented online. In this section we focus on what we suspect to be clues of a new version of FinSpy for Android.
To do so, we investigate on the following parameters:
- location of the FinSpy configuration
- string obfuscation
- local socket address generation
- unknown TLV types
Configuration storage
As far as we know, FinSpy stores its configuration into APK metadata. It was well documented and extraction tools are available online:
The sample we investigate on shows that the FinSpy configuration is stored into the DEX file.
Even if existing extraction tools failed to extract the configuration from the DEX, parsing tools succeeded to parse it. The structure of the configuration remains the same, only its storage location has changed.
We name this FinSpy variant DexDen.
String obfuscation
As far as we know, FinSpy strings defined in its code are not obfuscated. The sample we analyze is different, all Java strings are obfuscated. Each Java class using strings implements the following 2 Java methods:
String OOOoOoiIoIIiO0o01I1I00(final int index)
returning the obfuscated string as bytes at the given index.byte[] i1IlIil011Iiil(final byte[] array, final byte[] array2)
decoding an obfuscated string.
Strings are decoded by XORing of the obfuscated one with one of the two pads. The pad is selected according to the index mod 2. Pads are the same for all Java classes using strings:
We have developed a Python script parsing the entire Java code to retrieve obfuscated strings
and one to decode them
We denote this kind of string obfuscation TippyPad for short.
Local socket address generation
FinSpy uses Unix socket to communicate between threads. The local socket address is generated by hashing the values of the following system properties:
An utility method meant to encode data and generate local socket address uses the timestamp 1540483477
corresponding to Thu 25 October 2018 16:04:37 UTC
. Java method generating local socket address is listed below.
We denote this kind of address generation TippyTime for short.
Unknown TLV types
After leaks about FinFisher and FinSpy, community has reversed the different TLV values used in data marshaling/unmarshaling to ensure a common data format between C2s and implants. These values are available online:
The FinSpy version we analyze seems to be using unknown TLV values. To get some meaning about the different unknown TLV values, we reversed existing values. We were able to detect semantic groups based on the binary representation of these values.
The Python script we developed recovers groups based on existing values. Then parses the sample Smali code to extract unknown TLV values. We used a patched version of Smalisca to do so. We have extracted the following suspected unknown TLV values. The entire list of TLV and groups is available in the GitHub repository.
To determine the group the TLV value belongs to just mask that value with 0xFFFFF800
Group ID | Group name | TLV value | Known TLV | TLV name |
64 | drives all get | 131488 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetAllDrivesRequest |
64 | drives all get | 131744 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetAllDrivesReply |
66 | contents folder get | 135328 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetFolderContentsRequest |
66 | contents folder get | 135584 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetFolderContentsReply |
66 | contents folder get | 135840 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetFolderContentsNext |
66 | contents folder get | 136096 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetFolderContentsEnd |
68 | download file | 139424 | ✔ | TlvTypeDownloadFileRequest |
68 | download file | 139680 | ✔ | TlvTypeCancelDownloadFileRequest |
68 | download file | 139936 | ✔ | TlvTypeDownloadFileReply |
68 | download file | 140192 | ✔ | TlvTypeDownloadFileNext |
68 | download file | 140448 | ✔ | TlvTypeDownloadFileEnd |
68 | download file | 140704 | ✔ | TlvTypeCancelDownloadFileReply |
70 | upload file | 143520 | ✔ | TlvTypeUploadFileRequest |
70 | upload file | 143776 | ✔ | TlvTypeCancelUploadFileRequest |
70 | upload file | 144032 | ✔ | TlvTypeUploadFileReply |
70 | upload file | 144288 | ✔ | TlvTypeUploadFileNext |
70 | upload file | 144544 | ✔ | TlvTypeUploadFileEnd |
70 | upload file | 144800 | ✔ | TlvTypeUploadFileCompleted |
70 | upload file | 145056 | ✔ | TlvTypeCancelUploadFileReply |
72 | delete file | 147616 | ✔ | TlvTypeDeleteFileRequest |
72 | delete file | 147872 | ✔ | TlvTypeDeleteFileReply |
74 | search file | 151968 | ✔ | TlvTypeSearchFileRequest |
74 | search file | 152224 | ✔ | TlvTypeSearchFileReply |
74 | search file | 152480 | ✔ | TlvTypeSearchFileNext |
74 | search file | 152736 | ✔ | TlvTypeSearchFileEnd |
74 | search file | 152992 | ✔ | TlvTypeCancelSearchFileRequest |
74 | search file | 153248 | ✔ | TlvTypeCancelSearchFileReply |
78 | fs | 159888 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSFileDataChunk |
78 | fs | 160128 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSDiskDrive |
78 | fs | 160384 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSFullPath |
78 | fs | 160640 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSFilename |
78 | fs | 160896 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSFileExtension |
78 | fs | 161088 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSDiskDriveType |
78 | fs | 161408 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSFileSize |
78 | fs | 161584 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSIsFolder |
79 | fs | 161840 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSReadOnly |
79 | fs | 162096 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSHidden |
79 | fs | 162352 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSSystem |
79 | fs | 162688 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSFileCreationTime |
79 | fs | 162944 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSFileLastAccessTime |
79 | fs | 163200 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSFileLastWriteTime |
79 | fs | 163472 | ✔ | TlvTypeFSFullPathM |
79 | fs | 163632 | × | unknown |
82 | system config file | 168096 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetFileSystemConfigRequest |
82 | system config file | 168352 | ✔ | TlvTypeFileSystemConfigReply |
82 | system config file | 168608 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetFileSystemConfigRequest |
128 | line cmd | 262560 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartCmdLineSessionRequest |
128 | line cmd | 262816 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartCmdLineSessionReply |
128 | line cmd | 263072 | ✔ | TlvTypeStopCmdLineSessionRequest |
128 | line cmd | 263328 | ✔ | TlvTypeCmdLineSessionStoppedReply |
128 | line cmd | 263584 | ✔ | TlvTypeCmdLineExecute |
128 | line cmd | 263840 | ✔ | TlvTypeCmdLineExecutionResult |
130 | line cmd execute | 266352 | ✔ | TlvTypeCmdLineExecuteCommand |
130 | line cmd execute | 266560 | ✔ | TlvTypeCmdLineExecuteAnswerID |
130 | line cmd execute | 266864 | ✔ | TlvTypeCmdLineExecuteAnswerData |
146 | line config cmd | 299168 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetCmdLineConfigRequest |
146 | line config cmd | 299424 | ✔ | TlvTypeCmdLineConfigReply |
146 | line config cmd | 299680 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetCmdLineConfigRequest |
160 | config scheduler | 328096 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetSchedulerConfigRequest |
160 | config scheduler | 328352 | ✔ | TlvTypeSchedulerConfigReply |
160 | config scheduler | 328608 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetSchedulerConfigRequest |
162 | task scheduler | 331920 | ✔ | TlvTypeSchedulerTask |
162 | task scheduler | 332192 | ✔ | TlvTypeSchedulerTaskRecordByTime |
162 | task scheduler | 332448 | ✔ | TlvTypeSchedulerTaskRecordScreenWhenAppRuns |
162 | task scheduler | 332704 | ✔ | TlvTypeSchedulerTaskRecordMicWhenAppUsesIt |
162 | task scheduler | 332960 | ✔ | TlvTypeSchedulerTaskRecordWebCamWhenAppUsesIt |
176 | sch | 360592 | ✔ | TlvTypeSCHTaskConfiguration |
176 | sch | 360752 | ✔ | TlvTypeSCHTaskEnabled |
176 | sch | 361344 | ✔ | TlvTypeSCHTaskStartDateTime |
176 | sch | 361600 | ✔ | TlvTypeSCHTaskStopDateTime |
176 | sch | 362112 | ✔ | TlvTypeSCHApplicationName |
176 | sch | 362288 | ✔ | TlvTypeSCHApplicationWindowOnly |
512 | microphone | 1048992 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartMicrophoneRequest |
512 | microphone | 1049248 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartMicrophoneReply |
512 | microphone | 1049504 | ✔ | TlvTypeMicrophoneFrame |
512 | microphone | 1049760 | ✔ | TlvTypeStopMicrophoneRequest |
512 | microphone | 1050016 | ✔ | TlvTypeMicrophoneStoppedReply |
512 | microphone | 1050272 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartMicrophoneRecording |
514 | 1052736 | ✔ | TlvTypeMICFrameID | |
514 | 1053072 | ✔ | TlvTypeMICFrameData | |
514 | 1053312 | ✔ | TlvTypeAudioSessionType | |
514 | 1053568 | ✔ | TlvTypeAudioEncodingType | |
518 | audio config | 1061024 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetAudioConfigRequest |
518 | audio config | 1061280 | ✔ | TlvTypeAudioConfigReply |
518 | audio config | 1061536 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetAudioConfigRequest |
520 | type video | 1066112 | ✔ | TlvTypeVideoSessionType |
520 | type video | 1066368 | ✔ | TlvTypeVideoEncodingType |
544 | screen | 1114528 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartScreenRequest |
544 | screen | 1114784 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartScreenReply |
544 | screen | 1115040 | ✔ | TlvTypeScreenFrame |
544 | screen | 1115296 | ✔ | TlvTypeStopScreenRequest |
544 | screen | 1115552 | ✔ | TlvTypeScreenStoppedReply |
544 | screen | 1115808 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartScreenRecording |
548 | cam web | 1122720 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartWebCamRequest |
548 | cam web | 1122976 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartWebCamReply |
548 | cam web | 1123232 | ✔ | TlvTypeWebCamFrame |
548 | cam web | 1123488 | ✔ | TlvTypeStopWebCamRequest |
548 | cam web | 1123744 | ✔ | TlvTypeWebCamStoppedReply |
548 | cam web | 1124000 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartWebCamRecording |
550 | config video | 1126560 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetVideoConfigRequest |
550 | config video | 1126816 | ✔ | TlvTypeVideoConfigReply |
550 | config video | 1127072 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetVideoConfigRequest |
552 | 1130560 | ✔ | TlvTypeVDFrameID | |
552 | 1130896 | ✔ | TlvTypeVDFrameData | |
552 | 1131136 | ✔ | TlvTypeOriginalVideoResolution | |
552 | 1131392 | ✔ | TlvTypeVideoResolution | |
552 | 1132160 | ✔ | TlvTypeAutomaticRecordingUID | |
576 | key logging | 1180064 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartKeyLoggingRequest |
576 | key logging | 1180320 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartKeyLoggingReply |
576 | key logging | 1180576 | ✔ | TlvTypeKeyLoggingFrame |
576 | key logging | 1180832 | ✔ | TlvTypeStopKeyLoggingRequest |
576 | key logging | 1181088 | ✔ | TlvTypeKeyLoggingStoppedReply |
582 | config keylogger | 1192096 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetKeyloggerConfigRequest |
582 | config keylogger | 1192352 | ✔ | TlvTypeKeyloggerConfigReply |
582 | config keylogger | 1192608 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetKeyloggerConfigRequest |
584 | kl frame data | 1196416 | ✔ | TlvTypeKLFrameData |
640 | skype | 1311136 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeAudioMetaInfo |
640 | skype | 1311376 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeAudioRecording |
640 | skype | 1311648 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeTextRecording |
640 | skype | 1311904 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeFileMetaInfo |
640 | skype | 1312144 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeFileRecording |
640 | skype | 1312416 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeContactsRecording |
640 | skype | 1312640 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeContactsUserData |
646 | config skype | 1323168 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetSkypeConfigRequest |
646 | config skype | 1323424 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeConfigReply |
646 | config skype | 1323680 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetSkypeConfigRequest |
646 | config skype | 1324336 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigSkypeAudioEnable |
646 | config skype | 1324592 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigSkypeTextEnable |
646 | config skype | 1324848 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigSkypeFileEnable |
647 | config contacts enable list skype | 1325104 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigSkypeContactsListEnable |
648 | skype | 1327232 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeAudioEncodingType |
648 | skype | 1327488 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeLoggedInUserAccountName |
648 | skype | 1327744 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeConversationPartnerAccountName |
648 | skype | 1328000 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeConversationPartnerDisplayName |
648 | skype | 1328256 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeChatMembers |
648 | skype | 1328512 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeTextMessage |
648 | skype | 1328768 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeChatID |
648 | skype | 1329024 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeSenderAccountName |
649 | skype | 1329280 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeSenderDisplayName |
649 | skype | 1329536 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeIncoming |
649 | skype | 1329792 | ✔ | TlvTypeSkypeSessionType |
704 | changed file | 1442208 | ✔ | TlvTypeChangedFileMetaInfo |
704 | changed file | 1442432 | ✔ | TlvTypeChangedFileChangeTime |
704 | changed file | 1442688 | ✔ | TlvTypeChangedFileChangeEvent |
704 | changed file | 1442960 | ✔ | TlvTypeChangedFileRecording |
710 | config changed | 1454240 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetChangedConfigRequest |
710 | config changed | 1454496 | ✔ | TlvTypeChangedConfigReply |
710 | config changed | 1454752 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetChangedConfigRequest |
710 | config changed | 1454912 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigChangedEvents |
736 | 1507744 | ✔ | TlvTypeAccessedFileMetaInfo | |
736 | 1507968 | ✔ | TlvTypeAccessedFileAccessTime | |
736 | 1508224 | ✔ | TlvTypeAccessedFileAccessEvent | |
736 | 1508496 | ✔ | TlvTypeAccessedFileRecording | |
736 | 1508736 | ✔ | TlvTypeAccessedApplicationName | |
736 | 1508912 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigRecordImagesFromExplorer | |
742 | accessed config | 1519776 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetAccessedConfigRequest |
742 | accessed config | 1520032 | ✔ | TlvTypeAccessedConfigReply |
742 | accessed config | 1520288 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetAccessedConfigRequest |
742 | accessed config | 1520448 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigAccessedEvents |
768 | 1573280 | ✔ | TlvTypePrintFileMetaInfo | |
768 | 1573520 | ✔ | TlvTypePrintFrame | |
772 | 1581184 | ✔ | TlvTypePrintApplicationName | |
772 | 1581440 | ✔ | TlvTypePrintFilename | |
772 | 1581696 | ✔ | TlvTypePrintEncodingType | |
774 | print config | 1585312 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetPrintConfigRequest |
774 | print config | 1585568 | ✔ | TlvTypePrintConfigReply |
774 | print config | 1585824 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetPrintConfigRequest |
800 | deleted | 1638816 | ✔ | TlvTypeDeletedFileMetaInfo |
800 | deleted | 1639296 | ✔ | TlvTypeDeletedFileDeletionTime |
800 | deleted | 1639552 | ✔ | TlvTypeDeletedFileRecycleBin |
800 | deleted | 1639808 | ✔ | TlvTypeDeletedMethod |
800 | deleted | 1640064 | ✔ | TlvTypeDeletedApplicationName |
800 | deleted | 1640336 | ✔ | TlvTypeDeletedFileRecording |
806 | config deleted | 1650848 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetDeletedConfigRequest |
806 | config deleted | 1651104 | ✔ | TlvTypeDeletedConfigReply |
806 | config deleted | 1651360 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetDeletedConfigRequest |
1024 | application upload forensics | 2097568 | ✔ | TlvTypeUploadForensicsApplicationRequest |
1024 | application upload forensics | 2097824 | ✔ | TlvTypeUploadForensicsApplicationReply |
1024 | application upload forensics | 2098080 | ✔ | TlvTypeUploadForensicsApplicationChunk |
1024 | application upload forensics | 2098336 | ✔ | TlvTypeUploadForensicsApplicationDoneRequest |
1024 | application upload forensics | 2098592 | ✔ | TlvTypeUploadForensicsApplicationDoneReply |
1026 | application remove forensics | 2101664 | ✔ | TlvTypeRemoveForensicsApplicationRequest |
1026 | application remove forensics | 2101920 | ✔ | TlvTypeRemoveForensicsApplicationReply |
1028 | app forensics execute | 2105760 | ✔ | TlvTypeForensicsAppExecuteRequest |
1028 | app forensics execute | 2106016 | ✔ | TlvTypeForensicsAppExecuteReply |
1028 | app forensics execute | 2106272 | ✔ | TlvTypeForensicsAppExecuteResult |
1028 | app forensics execute | 2106528 | ✔ | TlvTypeForensicsAppExecuteResultChunk |
1028 | app forensics execute | 2106784 | ✔ | TlvTypeForensicsAppExecuteResultDone |
1028 | app forensics execute | 2107040 | ✔ | TlvTypeForensicsCancelAppExecuteRequest |
1028 | app forensics execute | 2107296 | ✔ | TlvTypeForensicsCancelAppExecuteReply |
1030 | config forensics | 2109600 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetForensicsConfigRequest |
1030 | config forensics | 2109856 | ✔ | TlvTypeForensicsConfigReply |
1030 | config forensics | 2110112 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetForensicsConfigRequest |
1032 | application config info forensics | 2113680 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigForensicsApplicationInfoGeneric |
1032 | application config info forensics | 2113952 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigForensicsApplicationInfo |
1034 | forensics | 2117760 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigForensicsApplicationName |
1034 | forensics | 2117952 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigForensicsApplicationSize |
1034 | forensics | 2118208 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigForensicsApplicationID |
1034 | forensics | 2118528 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigForensicsApplicationCmdline |
1034 | forensics | 2118784 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigForensicsApplicationOutput |
1034 | forensics | 2118976 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigForensicsApplicationTimeout |
1034 | forensics | 2119232 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigForensicsApplicationVersion |
1034 | forensics | 2119552 | ✔ | TlvTypeForensicsFriendlyName |
1035 | output application config forensics | 2119808 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigForensicsApplicationOutputPrepend |
1035 | output application config forensics | 2120064 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigForensicsApplicationOutputContentType |
1056 | vo meta info ip | 2163104 | ✔ | TlvTypeVoIPMetaInfo |
1058 | vo ip | 2166912 | ✔ | TlvTypeVoIPEncodingType |
1058 | vo ip | 2167168 | ✔ | TlvTypeVoIPSessionType |
1058 | vo ip | 2167424 | ✔ | TlvTypeVoIPApplicationName |
1058 | vo ip | 2167696 | ✔ | TlvTypeVoIPAppScreenshot |
1058 | vo ip | 2167952 | ✔ | TlvTypeVoIPAudioRecording |
1058 | vo ip | 2168112 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigVoIPScreenshotEnabled |
1062 | vo config ip | 2175136 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetVoIPConfigRequest |
1062 | vo config ip | 2175392 | ✔ | TlvTypeVoIPConfigReply |
1062 | vo config ip | 2175648 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetVoIPConfigRequest |
1088 | clicks mouse | 2228640 | ✔ | TlvTypeMouseClicksMetaInfo |
1088 | clicks mouse | 2228896 | ✔ | TlvTypeMouseClicksFrame |
1090 | clicks mouse | 2232448 | ✔ | TlvTypeMouseClicksEncodingType |
1090 | clicks mouse | 2232896 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigMouseClicksRectangle |
1090 | clicks mouse | 2233152 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigMouseClicksSensitivity |
1090 | clicks mouse | 2233408 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigMouseClicksType |
1094 | clicks config mouse | 2240672 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetMouseClicksConfigRequest |
1094 | clicks config mouse | 2240928 | ✔ | TlvTypeMouseClicksConfigReply |
1094 | clicks config mouse | 2241184 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetMouseClicksConfigRequest |
2112 | sms | 4325792 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileSMSMetaInfo |
2112 | sms | 4326016 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileSMSData |
2112 | sms | 4326256 | ✔ | TlvTypeSMSSenderNumber |
2112 | sms | 4326512 | ✔ | TlvTypeSMSRecipientNumber |
2112 | sms | 4326528 | ✔ | TlvTypeSMSInformation |
2112 | sms | 4326768 | ✔ | TlvTypeSMSDirection |
2112 | sms | 4327040 | × | unknown |
2144 | address book mobile | 4391328 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileAddressBookMetaInfo |
2144 | address book mobile | 4391552 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileAddressBookData |
2152 | address book checksum mobile | 4407360 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileAddressBookChecksum |
2176 | mobile blackberry | 4456864 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileBlackberryMessengerMetaInfo |
2176 | mobile blackberry | 4457088 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileBlackberryMessengerData |
2176 | mobile blackberry | 4457328 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileBlackberryMsChatID |
2176 | mobile blackberry | 4457600 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileBlackberryMsConversationPartners |
2208 | mobile tracking | 4522400 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTrackingStartRequest |
2208 | mobile tracking | 4522656 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTrackingStopRequest |
2208 | mobile tracking | 4523376 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTrackingDataV10 |
2214 | mobile config tracking | 4535200 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTrackingConfig |
2214 | mobile config tracking | 4535440 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTrackingConfigRaw |
2216 | mobile tracking | 4538432 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTrackingTimeInterval |
2216 | mobile tracking | 4538688 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTrackingDistance |
2216 | mobile tracking | 4538928 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTrackingSendOnAnyChannel |
2240 | mobile call phone | 4587936 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobilePhoneCallLogsMetaInfo |
2240 | mobile call phone | 4588192 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobilePhoneCallLogsData |
2240 | mobile call phone | 4588400 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobilePhoneCallLogsType |
2240 | mobile call phone | 4588672 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobilePhoneCallAdditionalInformation |
2240 | mobile call phone | 4588912 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobilePhoneCallLogsCallerNumber |
2240 | mobile call phone | 4589168 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobilePhoneCallLogsCalleeNumber |
2240 | mobile call phone | 4589440 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobilePhoneCallLogsCallerName |
2241 | name call phone logs mobile callee | 4589696 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobilePhoneCallLogsCalleeName |
2242 | last call phone entry mobile endtime log | 4591680 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobilePhoneCallLogLastEntryEndtime |
3072 | mobile logging | 6291872 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileLoggingMetaInfo |
3072 | mobile logging | 6292096 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileLoggingData |
3616 | master agent | 7405984 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentLogin |
3616 | master agent | 7406240 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentLoginAnswer |
3616 | master agent | 7406752 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetList |
3616 | master agent | 7407008 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetOnlineList |
3616 | master agent | 7407264 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetInfoReply |
3616 | master agent | 7407520 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentUserList |
3617 | master agent list | 7407776 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentUserListReply |
3617 | master agent list | 7408032 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetArchivedList |
3617 | master agent list | 7408288 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetListEx |
3617 | master agent list | 7408544 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetOnlineListEx |
3617 | master agent list | 7408800 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentMobileTargetArchivedList |
3617 | master agent list | 7409056 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentMobileTargetList |
3617 | master agent list | 7409312 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentMobileTargetOnlineList |
3618 | 7409824 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentQueryFirst | |
3618 | 7410080 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentQueryNext | |
3618 | 7410336 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentQueryLast | |
3618 | 7410592 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentQueryAnswer | |
3618 | 7410848 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRemoveRecord | |
3618 | 7411104 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetInfoExReply | |
3618 | 7411344 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetInfoExProperty | |
3618 | 7411616 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetInfoExPropertyValue | |
3619 | 7411840 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetInfoExPropertyValueName | |
3619 | 7411968 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetInfoExPropertyValueData | |
3619 | 7412384 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAlarm | |
3620 | master agent | 7413920 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveData |
3620 | master agent | 7414176 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveDataAnswer |
3620 | master agent | 7414432 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRemoveUser |
3620 | master agent | 7414688 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRemoveTarget |
3620 | master agent | 7414944 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveDataComments |
3620 | master agent | 7415200 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentUpdateDataComments |
3620 | master agent | 7415712 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveActivityLogging |
3621 | master agent | 7415968 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveMasterLogging |
3621 | master agent | 7416224 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveAgentActivityLogging |
3621 | master agent | 7417248 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSendUserGUIConfig |
3621 | master agent | 7417504 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentGetUserGUIConfigRequest |
3621 | master agent | 7417760 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentGetUserGUIConfigReply |
3622 | master agent | 7418016 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentProxyList |
3622 | master agent | 7418272 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentProxyInfoReply |
3622 | master agent | 7419040 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentNameValuePacket |
3622 | master agent | 7419248 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentValueName |
3622 | master agent | 7419392 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentValueData |
3622 | master agent | 7419808 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveTargetHistory |
3623 | install master agent | 7421088 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentInstallMasterLicense |
3623 | install master agent | 7421344 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentInstallSoftwareUpdate |
3623 | install master agent | 7421600 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentInstallSoftwareUpdateChunk |
3623 | install master agent | 7421856 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentInstallSoftwareUpdateDone |
3624 | master agent | 7422112 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSoftwareUpdateInfo |
3624 | master agent | 7422368 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSoftwareUpdateInfoReply |
3624 | master agent | 7422624 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSoftwareUpdate |
3624 | master agent | 7422880 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSoftwareUpdateReply |
3624 | master agent | 7423136 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSoftwareUpdateNext |
3624 | master agent | 7423392 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAddTimeSchedule |
3624 | master agent | 7423648 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAddScreenSchedule |
3624 | master agent | 7423904 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAddLockedSchedule |
3625 | master agent | 7424160 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRemoveSchedule |
3625 | master agent | 7424416 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentGetSchedulerList |
3625 | master agent | 7424672 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSchedulerTimeAction |
3625 | master agent | 7424928 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSchedulerScreenAction |
3625 | master agent | 7425184 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSchedulerLockedAction |
3625 | master agent | 7425440 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentProjectSoftwareUpdateInfo |
3625 | master agent | 7425696 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentProjectSoftwareUpdateInfoReply |
3625 | master agent | 7425952 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentProjectSoftwareUpdate |
3626 | master agent | 7426112 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSchedulerID |
3626 | master agent | 7426368 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSchedulerStartTime |
3626 | master agent | 7426624 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSchedulerStopTime |
3626 | master agent | 7427488 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAddRecordedDataAvailableSchedule |
3626 | master agent | 7427744 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSchedulerRecordedDataAvailableAction |
3627 | master agent data | 7428256 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveRemoteMasterData |
3627 | master agent data | 7428512 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveRemoteMasterDataReply |
3627 | master agent data | 7428768 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentDeleteRemoteMasterData |
3627 | master agent data | 7429024 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveOfflineMasterData |
3627 | master agent data | 7429280 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveOfflineMasterDataReply |
3627 | master agent data | 7429536 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentDeleteOfflineMasterData |
3628 | master agent | 7430304 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentQueryFirstEx |
3628 | master agent | 7430560 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentQueryNextEx |
3628 | master agent | 7430816 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentQueryLastEx |
3628 | master agent | 7431072 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentQueryAnswerEx |
3628 | master agent | 7431328 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSendUserPreferences |
3628 | master agent | 7431584 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentGetUserPreferencesRequest |
3628 | master agent | 7431840 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentGetUserPreferencesReply |
3628 | master agent | 7432096 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentListMCFilesRequest |
3629 | master agent mc | 7432608 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentDeleteMCFiles |
3629 | master agent mc | 7432864 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSendMCFiles |
3629 | master agent mc | 7433120 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentMCStatisticsRequest |
3629 | master agent mc | 7433376 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentMCStatisticsReply |
3629 | master agent mc | 7433616 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentMCStatisticsValues |
3630 | master agent | 7434400 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTrojanKeyRequest |
3630 | master agent | 7434656 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTrojanKeyReply |
3630 | master agent | 7434912 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentEvProtectionX509Request |
3630 | master agent | 7435168 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentEvProtectionX509Reply |
3630 | master agent | 7435424 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentEvProtectionImportCert |
3630 | master agent | 7435680 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentEvProtectionImportCertCompleted |
3630 | master agent | 7435936 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentConfigurationRequest |
3630 | master agent | 7436192 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentConfigurationReply |
3631 | master agent configuration | 7436448 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentConfigurationUpdateRequest |
3631 | master agent configuration | 7436704 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentConfigurationUpdateRequestCompleted |
3631 | master agent configuration | 7436944 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentConfiguration |
3631 | master agent configuration | 7437216 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentConfigurationValue |
3631 | master agent configuration | 7437424 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentConfigurationValueName |
3631 | master agent configuration | 7437568 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentConfigurationValueData |
3631 | master agent configuration | 7437984 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentConfigurationTransferDone |
3632 | master agent | 7438496 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveTargetFile |
3632 | master agent | 7438752 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveTargetFileAnswer |
3632 | master agent | 7438912 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAlarmEntryID |
3632 | master agent | 7439168 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAlarmEntryVersion |
3632 | master agent | 7439424 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAlarmTriggerFlags |
3632 | master agent | 7439776 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentGetAlarmList |
3632 | master agent | 7440032 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAddAlarmEntry |
3632 | master agent | 7440288 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRemoveAlarmEntry |
3633 | master agent | 7440544 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAlarmEntry |
3633 | master agent | 7440800 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSystemStatus |
3633 | master agent | 7441056 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSystemStatusRequest |
3633 | master agent | 7441312 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSystemStatusReply |
3633 | master agent | 7441552 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentLicenseValues |
3633 | master agent | 7441824 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentLicenseValuesRequest |
3633 | master agent | 7442080 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentLicenseValuesReply |
3634 | master agent | 7442592 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentGetNetworkConfigurationRequest |
3634 | master agent | 7442848 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSetNetworkConfigurationRequest |
3634 | master agent | 7443104 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSetNetworkConfigurationReply |
3634 | master agent | 7443360 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveAllowedModulesList |
3634 | master agent | 7443616 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRetrieveAllowedModulesListAnswer |
3636 | master agent | 7446688 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRemoveAllTargetData |
3636 | master agent | 7446944 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentForceDownloadRecordedData |
3636 | master agent | 7447200 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetCreateNotification |
3636 | master agent | 7447456 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentMobileTargetInfoReply |
3636 | master agent | 7447696 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentMobileTargetInfoValues |
3638 | master agent alert | 7450784 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAlert |
3640 | master agent | 7454880 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAddUser |
3640 | master agent | 7455392 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentAddUserReply |
3640 | master agent | 7455648 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentModifyUser |
3640 | master agent | 7455904 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSetUserPermission |
3640 | master agent | 7456160 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSetTargetPermission |
3640 | master agent | 7456400 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentUserPermission |
3640 | master agent | 7456656 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetPermission |
3641 | master agent | 7456928 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentUserPermissionValuePacket |
3641 | master agent | 7457184 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetPermissionValuePacket |
3641 | master agent | 7457344 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentUserPermissionValueName |
3641 | master agent | 7457600 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetPermissionValueName |
3641 | master agent | 7457856 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentUserPermissionValueData |
3641 | master agent | 7458112 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentTargetPermissionValueData |
3641 | master agent | 7458464 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentModifyPassword |
3641 | master agent | 7458656 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentMobileTargetPermissionValueName |
3642 | master agent | 7458976 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentUploadFile |
3642 | master agent | 7459232 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentUploadFileChunk |
3642 | master agent | 7459488 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentUploadFileDone |
3642 | master agent | 7459744 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentUploadFilesTransferDone |
3642 | master agent | 7460000 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentGetTargetModuleConfigRequest |
3642 | master agent | 7460256 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRemoveFile |
3642 | master agent | 7460512 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentMobileProxyList |
3642 | master agent | 7460768 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSMSProxyList |
3643 | master agent | 7461024 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSMSProxyInfoReply |
3643 | master agent | 7461280 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentCallPhoneNumberList |
3643 | master agent | 7461536 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentCallPhoneNumberInfoReply |
3643 | master agent | 7461792 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentGetMobileTargetModuleConfigRequest |
3643 | master agent | 7462048 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentSendSMS |
3647 | master agent | 7469984 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentEncryptionRequired |
3647 | master agent | 7470240 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentFileCompleted |
3647 | master agent | 7470496 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRequestCompleted |
3647 | master agent | 7470752 | ✔ | TlvTypeAgentMasterComm |
3647 | master agent | 7471008 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentRequestStatus |
3648 | master | 7471424 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMasterCommSig |
3648 | master | 7471520 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterTargetConn |
3648 | master | 7471776 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMasterComm |
3648 | master | 7472032 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterProxyComm |
3648 | master | 7472288 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMasterHeartBeatAnswer |
3648 | master | 7472544 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMasterDisconnect |
3648 | master | 7472704 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMasterNotification |
3648 | master | 7473056 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMasterRequest |
3649 | master | 7473312 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterProxyCommNotification |
3649 | master | 7473568 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterCheckTargetDisconnect |
3680 | target proxy | 7536960 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyTargetCommSig |
3680 | target proxy | 7537312 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyTargetComm |
3680 | target proxy | 7537568 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMasterTargetComm |
3680 | target proxy | 7537728 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyTargetRequestCrypto |
3680 | target proxy | 7538064 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyTargetAnswerCrypto |
3744 | target | 7668128 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterTargetComm |
3744 | target | 7668384 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetCloseAllLiveStreaming |
3776 | relay | 7733664 | ✔ | TlvTypeRelayProxyComm |
3776 | relay | 7734176 | ✔ | TlvTypeRelayDummyHeartbeat |
4032 | test type meta | 8257792 | ✔ | TlvTypeTestMetaTypeInvalid |
4032 | test type meta | 8258608 | ✔ | TlvTypeTestMetaTypeBool |
4032 | test type meta | 8258880 | ✔ | TlvTypeTestMetaTypeUInt |
4032 | test type meta | 8259152 | ✔ | TlvTypeTestMetaTypeInt |
4032 | test type meta | 8259440 | ✔ | TlvTypeTestMetaTypeString |
4033 | test | 8259712 | ✔ | TlvTypeTestMetaTypeUnicode |
4033 | test | 8259984 | ✔ | TlvTypeTestMetaTypeRaw |
4033 | test | 8260256 | ✔ | TlvTypeTestMetaTypeGroup |
4033 | test | 8260416 | ✔ | TlvTypeTestMemberIdentifier |
4033 | test | 8260736 | ✔ | TlvTypeTestMemberName |
4096 | target | 8389008 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetData |
4096 | target | 8389280 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetHeartBeat |
4096 | target | 8389680 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetKeepSessionAlive |
4096 | target | 8390000 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetLocalIP |
4096 | target | 8390256 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetGlobalIP |
4096 | target | 8390448 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetState |
4097 | agent master | 8390784 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetID |
4097 | agent master | 8391072 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetInstalledModulesRequest |
4097 | agent master | 8391328 | ✔ | TlvTypeInstalledModulesReply |
4097 | agent master | 8391488 | ✔ | TlvTypeTrojanUID |
4097 | agent master | 8391808 | ✔ | TlvTypeTrojanID |
4097 | agent master | 8392000 | ✔ | TlvTypeTrojanMaxInfections |
4097 | agent master | 8392240 | ✔ | TlvTypeScreenSaverOn |
4097 | agent master | 8392496 | ✔ | TlvTypeScreenLocked |
4098 | agent master | 8392752 | ✔ | TlvTypeRecordedDataAvailable |
4098 | agent master | 8393024 | ✔ | TlvTypeDownloadedRecordedDataTimeStamp |
4098 | agent master | 8393280 | ✔ | TlvTypeInstallationMode |
4098 | agent master | 8393552 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRemoveNotification |
4098 | agent master | 8393792 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetPlatformBits |
4098 | agent master | 8394032 | ✔ | TlvTypeRemoveItselfMaxInfectionReached |
4098 | agent master | 8394288 | ✔ | TlvTypeRemoveItselfAtMasterRequest |
4098 | agent master | 8394544 | ✔ | TlvTypeRemoveItselfAtAgentRequest |
4099 | agent master | 8394912 | ✔ | TlvTypeRemoveItselfAtAgentReqRequest |
4099 | agent master | 8395072 | ✔ | TlvTypeRecordedFilesDownloadTotal |
4099 | agent master | 8395328 | ✔ | TlvTypeRecordedFilesDownloadProgress |
4099 | agent master | 8395632 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetLicenseInfo |
4099 | agent master | 8395840 | ✔ | TlvTypeRemoveTargetLicenseInfo |
4099 | agent master | 8396176 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetAllConfigurations |
4100 | target error | 8396960 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetError |
4102 | target config | 8401056 | ✔ | TlvTypeGetTargetConfigRequest |
4102 | target config | 8401312 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetConfigReply |
4102 | target config | 8401568 | ✔ | TlvTypeSetTargetConfigRequest |
4102 | target config | 8402304 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigTargetID |
4102 | target config | 8402496 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigTargetHeartbeatInterval |
4102 | target config | 8402800 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigTargetProxy |
4103 | agent master | 8403008 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigTargetPort |
4103 | agent master | 8403584 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigAutoRemovalDateTime |
4103 | agent master | 8403776 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigAutoRemovalIfNoProxy |
4103 | agent master | 8404032 | ✔ | TlvTypeInternalAutoRemovalElapsedTime |
4104 | active hiding config | 8405040 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigActiveHiding |
4106 | target module | 8409248 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetLoadModuleRequest |
4106 | target module | 8409504 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetLoadModuleReply |
4106 | target module | 8409760 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetUnLoadModuleRequest |
4106 | target module | 8410016 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetUnLoadModuleReply |
4106 | target module | 8410272 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetUploadModuleRequest |
4106 | target module | 8410528 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetUploadModuleReply |
4106 | target module | 8410784 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetUploadModuleChunk |
4106 | target module | 8411040 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetUploadModuleDoneRequest |
4107 | target module | 8411296 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetUploadModuleDoneReply |
4107 | target module | 8411552 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRemoveModuleRequest |
4107 | target module | 8411808 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRemoveModuleReply |
4107 | target module | 8412064 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetOfflineUploadModuleRequest |
4107 | target module | 8412320 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetOfflineUploadModuleReply |
4107 | target module | 8412576 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetOfflineUploadModuleChunk |
4107 | target module | 8412832 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetOfflineUploadModuleDoneRequest |
4107 | target module | 8413088 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetOfflineUploadModuleDoneReply |
4108 | target error | 8413344 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetOfflineError |
4108 | target error | 8413600 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetUploadError |
4109 | files reply master list agent mc | 8415392 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAgentListMCFilesReply |
4110 | target recorded | 8417440 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetGetRecordedFilesRequest |
4110 | target recorded | 8417696 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRecordedFilesReply |
4110 | target recorded | 8417952 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRecordedFileDownloadRequest |
4110 | target recorded | 8418208 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRecordedFileDownloadReply |
4110 | target recorded | 8418464 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRecordedFileDownloadChunk |
4110 | target recorded | 8418720 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRecordedFileDownloadCompleted |
4110 | target recorded | 8418976 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRecordedFileDeleteRequest |
4110 | target recorded | 8419232 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRecordedFileDeleteReply |
4111 | target recorded ex | 8419488 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetGetRecordedFilesRequestEx |
4111 | target recorded ex | 8419744 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRecordedFilesReplyEx |
4111 | target recorded ex | 8420000 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRecordedFileDeleteRequestEx |
4111 | target recorded ex | 8420256 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetRecordedFilesDownloadRequestEx |
4128 | data | 8454544 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyData |
4128 | data | 8454800 | ✔ | TlvTypeRelayData |
4130 | proxy | 8458400 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyTargetDisconnect |
4130 | proxy | 8458656 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMobileTargetDisconnect |
4130 | proxy | 8458912 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyDummyHeartbeat |
4130 | proxy | 8459168 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMobileDummyHeartbeat |
4160 | master | 8520080 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterData |
4160 | master | 8520768 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterMode |
4160 | master | 8521024 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterToken |
4160 | master | 8521344 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterQueryResult |
4161 | string master alarm | 8522368 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterAlarmString |
4192 | agent | 8585616 | ✔ | TlvTypeAgentData |
4192 | agent | 8585808 | ✔ | TlvTypeAgentQueryID |
4192 | agent | 8586048 | ✔ | TlvTypeAgentQueryModSubmodID |
4192 | agent | 8586304 | ✔ | TlvTypeAgentQueryFromDate |
4192 | agent | 8586560 | ✔ | TlvTypeAgentQueryToDate |
4192 | agent | 8586816 | ✔ | TlvTypeAgentQuerySortOrder |
4192 | agent | 8587136 | ✔ | TlvTypeAgentQueryValueFilter |
4193 | uid agent | 8587328 | ✔ | TlvTypeAgentUID |
4224 | mobile | 8651152 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetData |
4224 | mobile | 8651376 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetHeartBeatV10 |
4224 | mobile | 8651632 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetExtendedHeartBeatV10 |
4224 | mobile | 8651888 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileHeartBeatReplyV10 |
4225 | installed reply modules mobile | 8653472 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileInstalledModulesReply |
4225 | installed reply modules mobile | 8652912 | × | unknown |
4226 | module upload mobile target | 8655008 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetOfflineUploadModuleRequest |
4226 | module upload mobile target | 8656032 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetUploadModuleRequest |
4226 | module upload mobile target | 8656288 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetUploadModuleReply |
4226 | module upload mobile target | 8656544 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetUploadModuleChunk |
4226 | module upload mobile target | 8656800 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetUploadModuleDoneRequest |
4227 | target mobile | 8657056 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetUploadModuleDoneReply |
4227 | target mobile | 8657312 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetRemoveModuleRequest |
4227 | target mobile | 8657568 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetRemoveModuleReply |
4227 | target mobile | 8657824 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetOfflineUploadModuleReply |
4227 | target mobile | 8658080 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetOfflineUploadModuleChunk |
4227 | target mobile | 8658336 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetOfflineUploadModuleDoneRequest |
4227 | target mobile | 8658592 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetOfflineUploadModuleDoneReply |
4227 | target mobile | 8658848 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetOfflineError |
4228 | mobile target | 8659104 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetError |
4228 | mobile target | 8659360 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetGetRecordedFilesRequest |
4228 | mobile target | 8659616 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetRecordedFilesReply |
4228 | mobile target | 8659872 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetRecordedFileDownloadRequest |
4228 | mobile target | 8660128 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetRecordedFileDownloadReply |
4228 | mobile target | 8660384 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetRecordedFileDownloadChunk |
4228 | mobile target | 8660640 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetRecordedFileDownloadCompleted |
4228 | mobile target | 8660896 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetRecordedFileDeleteRequest |
4229 | target reply delete mobile recorded file | 8661152 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetRecordedFileDeleteReply |
4230 | mobile config target | 8663968 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetOfflineConfig |
4230 | mobile config target | 8664224 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetEmergencyConfigAsTLV |
4230 | mobile config target | 8664432 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetEmergencyConfig |
4234 | load module mobile target | 8671392 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetLoadModuleRequest |
4234 | load module mobile target | 8671648 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetLoadModuleReply |
4234 | load module mobile target | 8671904 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetUnLoadModuleRequest |
4234 | load module mobile target | 8672160 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetUnLoadModuleReply |
4236 | target error | 8675472 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetHeartbeatEvents |
4236 | agent master files mc reply list | 8675648 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetHeartbeatInterval |
4236 | recorded target | 8675984 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetHeartbeatRestrictions |
4236 | recorded target | 8676208 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigSMSPhoneNumber |
4236 | recorded target | 8676496 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetPositioning |
4236 | recorded target | 8676672 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTrojanUID |
4236 | recorded target | 8676976 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTrojanID |
4236 | recorded target | 8677296 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetLocationChangedRange |
4237 | config | 8677440 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigMobileAutoRemovalDateTime |
4237 | config | 8677808 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigOverwriteProxyAndPhones |
4237 | config | 8678000 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigCallPhoneNumber |
4238 | ex recorded target | 8679488 | ✔ | TlvTypeLocationAreaCode |
4238 | ex recorded target | 8679744 | ✔ | TlvTypeCellID |
4238 | ex recorded target | 8680048 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileCountryCode |
4238 | data | 8680304 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileNetworkCode |
4238 | data | 8680560 | ✔ | TlvTypeIMSI |
4238 | proxy | 8680816 | ✔ | TlvTypeIMEI |
4238 | proxy | 8681072 | ✔ | TlvTypeGPSLatitude |
4238 | proxy | 8681328 | ✔ | TlvTypeGPSLongitude |
4239 | proxy | 8681520 | ✔ | TlvTypeFirstHeartbeat |
4239 | master | 8681872 | ✔ | TlvTypeInstalledModules |
4240 | gps valid values | 8683568 | ✔ | TlvTypeValidGPSValues |
4288 | mobile proxy comm target | 8782176 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMobileTargetCommSig |
4288 | mobile proxy comm target | 8782496 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMobileTargetComm |
4288 | mobile proxy comm target | 8782752 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMasterMobileTargetComm |
4384 | master mobile | 8978752 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileProxyMasterCommSig |
4384 | master mobile | 8978848 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterMobileTargetConn |
4384 | master mobile | 8979104 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileProxyMasterComm |
4384 | master mobile | 8979360 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileMasterProxyComm |
4384 | master mobile | 8979616 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyMasterMobileHeartBeatAnswer |
4384 | master mobile | 8979872 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileMasterProxyCommNotification |
8128 | agent | 16646544 | ✔ | TlvTypePlaintext |
8128 | agent uid | 16646800 | ✔ | TlvTypeCompression |
8128 | mobile | 16647056 | ✔ | TlvTypeEncryption |
8128 | mobile | 16647232 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetUID |
8128 | mobile | 16647536 | ✔ | TlvTypeIPAddress |
8128 | mobile | 16647808 | ✔ | TlvTypeUserName |
8128 | installed reply modules mobile | 16648064 | ✔ | TlvTypeComputerName |
8129 | installed reply modules mobile | 16648304 | ✔ | TlvTypeLoginName |
8129 | module upload mobile target | 16648560 | ✔ | TlvTypePassphrase |
8129 | module upload mobile target | 16648832 | ✔ | TlvTypeRecordID |
8129 | module upload mobile target | 16649088 | ✔ | TlvTypeOwner |
8129 | module upload mobile target | 16649344 | ✔ | TlvTypeMetaData |
8129 | module upload mobile target | 16649536 | ✔ | TlvTypeModuleID |
8129 | mobile target | 16649856 | ✔ | TlvTypeOSName |
8129 | mobile target | 16650048 | ✔ | TlvTypeModuleSubID |
8130 | mobile target | 16650320 | ✔ | TlvTypeErrorCode |
8130 | mobile target | 16650560 | ✔ | TlvTypeOffset |
8130 | mobile target | 16650816 | ✔ | TlvTypeLength |
8130 | mobile target | 16651088 | ✔ | TlvTypeRequestID |
8130 | mobile target | 16651328 | ✔ | TlvTypeRequestType |
8130 | mobile target | 16651584 | ✔ | TlvTypeVersion |
8130 | mobile target | 16651840 | ✔ | TlvTypeMachineID |
8130 | mobile target | 16652096 | ✔ | TlvTypeMajorNumber |
8131 | mobile target | 16652352 | ✔ | TlvTypeMinorNumber |
8131 | mobile target | 16652656 | ✔ | TlvTypeGlobalIPAddress |
8131 | mobile target | 16652912 | ✔ | TlvTypeASCII_Filename |
8131 | mobile target | 16653120 | ✔ | TlvTypeFilesize |
8131 | mobile target | 16653392 | ✔ | TlvTypeFilecount |
8131 | mobile target | 16653712 | ✔ | TlvTypeFiledata |
8131 | target reply recorded delete file mobile | 16653968 | ✔ | TlvTypeMD5Sum |
8131 | mobile target config | 16654144 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyPort |
8132 | mobile target config | 16654400 | ✔ | TlvTypeStatus |
8132 | mobile target config | 16654656 | ✔ | TlvTypeUserID |
8132 | module load mobile target | 16654912 | ✔ | TlvTypeGroupID |
8132 | module load mobile target | 16655168 | ✔ | TlvTypePermissions |
8132 | module load mobile target | 16655424 | ✔ | TlvTypeRequestCode |
8132 | module load mobile target | 16655680 | ✔ | TlvTypeDataSize |
8132 | 16655936 | ✔ | TlvTypeKeyType | |
8132 | 16656240 | ✔ | TlvTypeEmail | |
8133 | 16656432 | ✔ | TlvTypeEnabled | |
8133 | 16656688 | ✔ | TlvTypeLicensed | |
8133 | 16656960 | ✔ | TlvTypeAudioFrequency | |
8133 | 16657216 | ✔ | TlvTypeAudioBitsPerSample | |
8133 | 16657472 | ✔ | TlvTypeAudioChannels | |
8133 | 16657728 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartTime | |
8133 | config | 16657984 | ✔ | TlvTypeStopTime |
8133 | config | 16658240 | ✔ | TlvTypeBitMask |
8134 | config | 16658560 | ✔ | TlvTypeTimeZone |
8134 | 16658816 | ✔ | TlvTypeDateTime | |
8134 | 16659072 | ✔ | TlvTypeStartSessionDateTime | |
8134 | 16659328 | ✔ | TlvTypeStopSessionDateTime | |
8134 | 16659520 | ✔ | TlvTypeDateTimeRef | |
8134 | 16659776 | ✔ | TlvTypeScheduleRepeat | |
8134 | 16660032 | ✔ | TlvTypeUnixMasterDateTime | |
8134 | 16660288 | ✔ | TlvTypeUnixUTCDateTime | |
8135 | 16660544 | ✔ | TlvTypeDurationInSeconds | |
8135 | 16660864 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterRefTime | |
8135 | 16661120 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterRefTimeStart | |
8135 | values gps valid | 16661376 | ✔ | TlvTypeMasterRefTimeEnd |
8135 | 16661568 | ✔ | TlvTypeCounter | |
8135 | 16661888 | ✔ | TlvTypeWhiteListEntry | |
8135 | 16662144 | ✔ | TlvTypeBlackListEntry | |
8135 | 16662336 | ✔ | TlvTypeBlackWhiteListingMode | |
8136 | config | 16662576 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigEnabled |
8136 | config | 16662848 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigMaxRecordingSize |
8136 | config | 16663104 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigAudioQuality |
8136 | config | 16663344 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigVideoBlackAndWhite |
8136 | config | 16663616 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigVideoResolution |
8136 | config | 16663872 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigCaptureFrequency |
8136 | config | 16664128 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigVideoQuality |
8136 | config | 16664384 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigFilesStandardFilter |
8137 | config | 16664704 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigFilesCustomFilter |
8137 | config | 16664896 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigStandardLocation |
8137 | config | 16665216 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigCustomLocation |
8137 | config | 16665408 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigFileChunkSize |
8137 | config | 16665664 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigFileTransferSpeed |
8137 | config | 16665904 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigUploadFileOverwrite |
8137 | config | 16666160 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigDeleteOverReboot |
8137 | config | 16666496 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigCustomLocationException |
8138 | master mobile | 16666752 | ✔ | TlvTypeExtraData |
8138 | master mobile | 16667008 | ✔ | TlvTypeSignature |
8138 | 16667264 | ✔ | TlvTypeComments | |
8138 | 16667520 | ✔ | TlvTypeDescription | |
8138 | 16667776 | ✔ | TlvTypeFilenameExtension | |
8138 | 16668032 | ✔ | TlvTypeSessionType | |
8138 | 16668224 | ✔ | TlvTypePeriod | |
8138 | 16668512 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetUID | |
8139 | 16668784 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileTargetID | |
8139 | 16669072 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobilePlaintext | |
8139 | 16669328 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileCompression | |
8139 | 16669584 | ✔ | TlvTypeMobileEncryption | |
8139 | 16669824 | ✔ | TlvTypeEncodingType | |
8139 | 16670576 | ✔ | TlvTypePhoneNumber | |
8140 | custom config location mode | 16670784 | ✔ | TlvTypeConfigCustomLocationMode |
8140 | custom config location mode | 16672080 | × | unknown |
8140 | custom config location mode | 16671792 | × | unknown |
8142 | network interface | 16674928 | ✔ | TlvTypeNetworkInterface |
8142 | network interface | 16675136 | ✔ | TlvTypeNetworkInterfaceMode |
8142 | network interface | 16675440 | ✔ | TlvTypeNetworkInterfaceAddress |
8142 | network interface | 16675696 | ✔ | TlvTypeNetworkInterfaceNetmask |
8142 | network interface | 16675952 | ✔ | TlvTypeNetworkInterfaceGateway |
8142 | network interface | 16676208 | ✔ | TlvTypeNetworkInterfaceDNS_1 |
8142 | network interface | 16676464 | ✔ | TlvTypeNetworkInterfaceDNS_2 |
8143 | 16677440 | ✔ | TlvTypeLoginTime | |
8143 | 16677696 | ✔ | TlvTypeLogoffTime | |
8143 | 16678720 | ✔ | TlvTypeGeneric_Type | |
8144 | 16678976 | ✔ | TlvTypeChecksum | |
8144 | 16679280 | ✔ | TlvTypeCity | |
8144 | 16679536 | ✔ | TlvTypeCountry | |
8144 | 16679792 | ✔ | TlvTypeCountryCode | |
8146 | 16683072 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetType | |
8146 | 16683392 | ✔ | TlvTypeDurationString | |
8146 | 16683904 | × | unknown | |
8146 | 16684848 | × | unknown | |
8160 | 16712000 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetConnectionBroken | |
8160 | 16712256 | ✔ | TlvTypeAgentConnectionBroken | |
8160 | 16712512 | ✔ | TlvTypeTargetOffline | |
8176 | 16744768 | ✔ | TlvTypeProxyConnectionBroken | |
4242 | 8688960 | × | unknown | |
4242 | 8689296 | × | unknown | |
4242 | 8689568 | × | unknown | |
2752 | 5636992 | × | unknown | |
2752 | 5637504 | × | unknown | |
2752 | 5637760 | × | unknown | |
2752 | 5636464 | × | unknown | |
2752 | 5636736 | × | unknown | |
2752 | 5637248 | × | unknown | |
2753 | 5638256 | × | unknown | |
2753 | 5638768 | × | unknown | |
2754 | 5641600 | × | unknown | |
2754 | 5640608 | × | unknown | |
2754 | 5641120 | × | unknown | |
2754 | 5640864 | × | unknown | |
2754 | 5640352 | × | unknown | |
2218 | 4542832 | × | unknown | |
2218 | 4542624 | × | unknown | |
8147 | 16685104 | × | unknown | |
8147 | 16685392 | × | unknown | |
2658 | 5444000 | × | unknown | |
2658 | 5444512 | × | unknown | |
2656 | 5440320 | × | unknown | |
2656 | 5439904 | × | unknown | |
2660 | 5447840 | × | unknown | |
2722 | 5575072 | × | unknown | |
2722 | 5575328 | × | unknown | |
2722 | config | 5575840 | × | unknown |
2560 | config | 5243552 | × | unknown |
2560 | config | 5243296 | × | unknown |
4244 | config | 8693104 | × | unknown |
4244 | config | 8692080 | × | unknown |
4244 | config | 8692336 | × | unknown |
4244 | config | 8692592 | × | unknown |
4244 | config | 8692848 | × | unknown |
4244 | config | 8693360 | × | unknown |
4244 | config | 8691872 | × | unknown |
2690 | config | 5509536 | × | unknown |
2690 | config | 5510048 | × | unknown |
2692 | config | 5513376 | × | unknown |
2688 | config | 5505856 | × | unknown |
2688 | config | 5505440 | × | unknown |
2592 | config | 5309088 | × | unknown |
2602 | 5329824 | × | unknown | |
2602 | 5330592 | × | unknown | |
2602 | 5329568 | × | unknown | |
2602 | 5330080 | × | unknown | |
2596 | 5317536 | × | unknown | |
2596 | 5317792 | × | unknown | |
2596 | 5318048 | × | unknown | |
2596 | 5317280 | × | unknown | |
2594 | 5313440 | × | unknown | |
2594 | 5312928 | × | unknown | |
2594 | 5313184 | × | unknown | |
2600 | 5325216 | × | unknown | |
2598 | 5321376 | × | unknown | |
2598 | 5322144 | × | unknown | |
2784 | mode location custom config | 5703584 | × | unknown |
2784 | mode location custom config | 5703328 | × | unknown |
2784 | mode location custom config | 5702816 | × | unknown |
2784 | interface network | 5702032 | × | unknown |
2784 | interface network | 5702304 | × | unknown |
2785 | interface network | 5703808 | × | unknown |
2785 | interface network | 5704064 | × | unknown |
1757 | interface network | 3600000 | × | unknown |
2696 | interface network | 5521552 | × | unknown |
2696 | interface network | 5521568 | × | unknown |
2720 | 5570960 | × | unknown | |
2720 | 5571232 | × | unknown | |
2756 | 5644432 | × | unknown | |
2756 | 5644704 | × | unknown | |
2848 | 5833104 | × | unknown | |
2848 | 5833376 | × | unknown | |
3104 | 6357392 | × | unknown | |
3104 | 6357664 | × | unknown | |
2664 | 5456016 | × | unknown | |
2664 | 5456288 | × | unknown | |
4243 | 8690064 | × | unknown | |
4243 | 8690336 | × | unknown | |
4243 | 8689712 | × | unknown | |
2304 | 4719008 | × | unknown | |
2304 | 4719232 | × | unknown | |
3106 | 6361200 | × | unknown | |
16425 | 33639248 | × | unknown | |
48781 | 99903492 | × | unknown | |
41609 | 85215461 | × | unknown | |
4494 | 9203775 | × | unknown | |
25586 | 52401552 | × | unknown | |
21214 | 43446532 | × | unknown | |
27793 | 56920439 | × | unknown | |
26992 | 55281185 | × | unknown | |
44308 | 90744648 | × | unknown |
SHA256 | DexDen | Conf. in APK | TippyTime | TippyPad | Cert not before | VT submission | Suspected build date |
c2ce202e6e08c41e8f7a0b15e7d07817 04e17f8ed52d1b2ad7212ac29926436e | × | ✔ | × | × | 2016/10/10 | 2017/07/27 | approx. 2017/06/01 |
2f881b98088bbe91dc8fd003eed17f41 a35182a27663e6e103b2b6673b592350 | × | ✔ | ✔ | × | 2014/10/21 | 2019/10/12 | |
269227c4c4770e109e53c6cf87bd9bde 367843c4806f5975c5aa317f318e28a9 | × | ✔ | ✔ | × | 2018/06/20 | 2019/03/24 | > 2017/12/07 |
1221bb41b315b5d6dc336a931eb4fb6f eca7fe80e8dc42647c16686629767ec8 | × | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 2017/05/29 | 2017/09/13 | > 2017/05/29 |
269227c4c4770e109e53c6cf87bd9bde 367843c4806f5975c5aa317f318e28a9 | × | ✔ | ✔ | × | 2018/06/20 | 2019/03/24 | > 2018/06/20 |
a504ba88c39c325589079afd7822cc4b 431182c8ec0304f21316e964b6e9eb7f | × | ✔ | ✔ | × | 2017/11/16 | 2018/07/31 | > 2017/11/16 |
854774a198db490a1ae9f06d5da5fe6a 1f683bf3d7186e56776516f982d41ad3 | ✔ | × | ✔ | ✔ | 2017/05/27 | 2019/11/27 | > 2017/05/27 |
Our analysis based on 3 different parameters: configuration location, string obfuscation and local socket address generation tends to demonstrate that the sample we have analyzed is (as far as we know) the only known FinSpy for Android sample storing its configuration directly into the DEX file (DexDen). Reports FinSpy Dokumentation yaraby Thorsten Schröder & Linus Neumann - CCC (Jan. 2020), AccessNow: FinFisher changes tactics to hooks critics (May 2018) and Hacking FinSpy by Sophos (2015) explain how the FinSpy configuration is stored in the APK file metadata. A retro-hunt on VT has found 0 samples (our sample excluded) storing the configuration the DEX. Changing the configuration location is a strong structural change indicating a suspected new version of FinSpy for Android.
A trend emerges when we focus on how the local socket address is generated and how strings are obfuscated. Old samples do not use a “magic” timestamp (TippyTime) in the generation algorithm nor pad-obfuscated strings (TippyPad). By analyzing briefly samples shared by CCC, we observed that since 2017, FinSpy seems to use TippyTime. However, only one sample use TippyPad string obfuscation.
Regarding unknown or undocumented TLV types, we have no clue indicating they are new or not since we have not analyzed other samples in deep and no unknown TLV types have ever been reported.
Sample behavioral analysis
The sample we analyze is heavily obfuscated:
- strings are encoded at the class level;
- Java methods are obfuscated (shortened);
- control flow graph is broken by the heavy use of threads and IPC;
- dummy calls are inserted between almost all the “useful” ones.
To analyze the sample, we firstly do a fast behavioral recon with Aether by extracting control flow graphs in which:
- sinks are Java methods of interest;
- sources are detected entry-points (i.e. services, threads, activities, …).
Secondly we extract TLV types involved in the different control flow graphs and then correlate the meaning of TLV with the meaning of actions done on the OS.
Configuration parsing
As we have seen before FinSpy stores its configuration into the DEX file. Thus, the first step for it is to locate the DEX file. On Android, the Java method android.content.Context.getPackageCodePath()
returns the location of the APK which contains the original DEX (not the optimized one).
Once located, the DEX file is copied at a randomly generated path into the cache directory. Once copied, the DEX loaded (or self-loaded since it is loaded by itself) using the Java method dalvik.system.DexClassLoader.loadClass()
Finally, FinSpy parses its configuration stored into the loaded DEX using a large switch-case statement.
The configuration stored into the current sample looks like:
= “WIFI”TlvTypeMobileTargetHeartbeatInterval
= 120TlvTypeMobileTargetPositioning
= b’\x82\x87\x86\x81\x83'TlvTypeConfigTargetProxy
= “[redacted]”TlvTypeConfigTargetProxy
= “[redacted]”TlvTypeConfigTargetPort
= [redacted]TlvTypeConfigSMSPhoneNumber
= “[redacted]”TlvTypeMobileTrojanID
= “WIFI”TlvTypeMobileTrojanUID
= b’\xfc\x14\xb0\r'TlvTypeUserID
= 1000TlvTypeTrojanMaxInfections
= 9TlvTypeConfigMobileAutoRemovalDateTime
= Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970TlvTypeConfigAutoRemovalIfNoProxy
= 168TlvTypeMobileTargetHeartbeatEvents
= 173TlvTypeMobileTargetHeartbeatRestrictions
= b’\xd0\x00'TlvTypeMobileTrackingDistance
= 1000TlvTypeMobileTrackingTimeInterval
= 300TlvTypeInstalledModules
=- Logging: Off
- Spy Call: Off
- Call Interception: Off
- SMS: On
- Address Book: On
- Tracking: On
- Phone Logs: On
Note: Trojan UID is the AES sub-key used to encrypt/decrypt payloads exchange with the C2.
Emergency reconfiguration
FinSpy can be reconfigured by SMS, the Java method org.xmlpush.v3.q.c.a()
is dedicated to that. FinSpy uses a lot of threads, probably not for performance purposes but to circumvent automatic reverse engineering of CFG. The following CFG shows the break in the CFG.
When an SMS corresponding to TlvTypeMobileTargetEmergencyConfig
is received, FinSpy reconfigures itself by parsing the SMS payload.
The following attributes can be reconfigured:
: port for C2 proxyTlvTypeConfigSMSPhoneNumber
: phone number for SMS based C2 communicationsTlvTypeMobileTrojanID
: unknown purposeTlvTypeMobileTrojanUID
: AES sub-keyTlvTypeUserID
: unknown purposeTlvTypeTrojanMaxInfections
: unknown purposeTlvTypeConfigMobileAutoRemovalDateTime
: implant self-destruct past this dateTlvTypeConfigAutoRemovalIfNoProxy
: implant self-destruct if C2 proxy is unavailableTlvTypeMobileTargetHeartbeatRestrictions
: conditions to avoid callbacksTlvTypeMobileTargetHeartbeatEvents
: events to trigger callbacks to the C2TlvTypeMobileTargetLocationChangedRange
: trigger updates based on location changesTlvTypeInstalledModules
: list of implant features and their configuration (SMS log, call log, etc.)- and other unknown parameters
Privilege escalation
FinSpy needs super user privileges to do things like access data of other applications. When started, the implant checks if su
is available and then check if the user id is 0
. We found no evidence of vulnerability exploitation (DirtyCow or SELinux abuse) like the ones mentioned in other publicly available reports. We did not find ELF hidden into the APK, DEX or into natives libraries packaged in the APK.
Either we have missed something or this sample is tailored to be implanted after exploitation.
Communication with C2
The implant can use both SMS and HTTP requests to send collected data to the command and control server. Both SMS and HTTP communications use the same marshaling schema based on TLV types describing data. Payload are encrypted before being sent. The encryption mechanism is the same as the one described in AccessNow: FinFisher changes tactics to hooks critics.
Self-destruction capability
Since FinSpy has the ability to remove itself, it generates a shell script /system/etc/
listed below.
Then it makes the script executable and reboots the device.
The script writes zeros over the APK file and does the same for all files located into the application data directory. FinSpy can be configured to remove itself at a given date and time, when the C2 is not reachable for a given amount of time or when the implant receive a specific command. By filling all files with zeros, FinSpy prevents forensic investigation. The script generation takes in account the fact that the implant can be a system application or a regular application.
Data collection
Java class org.xmlpush.v3.Services
registers the following content observers on:
- changes on phone contact list
- changes on SIM contact list
- changes on SMS log
- changes on calendar
Java class org.xmlpush.v3.eventbased.ReceiverService
listens to the following events:
- new outgoing phone call
- new data SMS received
- SIM card has been changed
Numerous threads are started to periodically check device location and messenger applications files. Every time a change occurs on observed data or an event occurs, FinSpy collects data related to that change/event and sends it to the C2 either over HTTP or SMS.
Data collected and sent by default
The FinSpy code shows that all payloads sent to C2s contain at least:
- trojan UID
- phone number
- timezone
- current date and time
- mobile operator name
- country code based on mobile network
- location area code
- mobile cell ID
Messenger applications data exfiltration
FinSpy is designed to exfiltrate contacts, messages, groups, location and files of the following applications:
FinSpy looks at the content of each application data directory (i.e. /data/data/
). This capability has already been documented in many public reports.
Call log exfiltration
FinSpy exfiltrates the following information each time a call is placed:
- caller’s phone number
- callee’s phone number
- caller’s name
- callee’s name
- call duration is seconds
SMS log exfiltration
FinSpy exfiltrates the following information each time a SMS received:
- date and time
- sender’s phone number
- recipient’s phone number
- SMS content
Calendar events exfiltration
FinSpy exfiltrates the following information each time a new event is added/edited:
- attendees’ names
- attendees’ emails
- event title
- event description
- event location
- event start and end date
Address book exfiltration
FinSpy exfiltrates the following information each time a modification is done on the address book:
- work phone number
- mobile phone number
- home phone number
- all other available phone numbers
- display name
- location
- email addresses
- postal addresses
FinSpy collects contacts stored in the phone memory and in the SIM card.
SIM information exfiltration
Each time the SIM card is changed, FinSpy sends the following data to the C2:
- phone number
- SIM serial number
- network operator name
Location tracking
FinSpy periodically collects and sends the device location. It collects both GPS based location and network based location by using cells.